The other day I was asked what are the advantages of using matrix factorization and in particular what are the advantages of doing dimensionality reduction in machine learning.
In this entry I discuss briefly the whys and some of it’s applications.
Advantages of matrix factorization
Latent variables representation: to represent the data as each column and each observation having a weight for several latent variables.
\(U^TM \approx R\)
where M is of dimensions rows x latent variables and U is of dimensions columns x latent variables. R approximates the original matrix.
R can be interpreted in product recommendation as rows=people and columns= movies. And the latent variables are factors such as movie sadness, genre, some actors staring etc.
Dimensionality reduction such as in text features where you usually have a very large sparse matrix.
Why or when use matrix factorization
Reduced computation time while training.
This is one of the main reasons why you would want to use matrix factorization in highly dimensional datasets. It is faster and easier for your training algorithm (e.g. random forest, gradient boosting) to learn form compact information-dense features. -
Building a recommender systems.
By itself, the matrix factorization techniques such as singular value decomposition (SVD) can be used to build recommender systems. -
Dimensionality reduction.
While dealing with high dimensional datasets, different transformation techniques can lead to different feature engineered datasets with huge dimensionality (e.g. for the same text data you can compute bag of words, n-grams, tf-idf, etc. see figure below). We can first reduce the dimensionality of each technique and then concatenate the datasets into a smaller dataset to train on.
- As feature engineering.
We can compute the latent vectors on the levels of original features or on the transformed features (e.g. log) and have different training models. We could use each model in an ensemble.
- SVD and PCA. Standard matrix factorizations.
- Truncated SVD. Good for sparse matrices.
- Non Negative matrix factorization. Good for counts.
Final remarks
- Use the number of latent variables as a hyperparameter (to be tuned).
- Apply matrix factorization to all data including train and test together before split.